I have only seen Pink Floyd twice in my life."Dark side of the moon" in June of "74" at the Philadelphia spectrum,and "Division Bell" in June of "94"at the Veterans stadium, also in Philadelphia.
At the first concert I was young,wild,carefree and always in search for adventure.At the second concert I was 20 years older,wild,carefree and always searching for adventure.I arrived at the stadium at 7pm sharp,excited as hell with ticket in one had and mushrooms in the other.I approached the gates still chewing.Gave them my ticket,grabbed a 10 $ beer and a 5$ dog( on my way to the nose bleed seats) to get the taste out of my mouth and not have an empty stomach.
Before this night, I didn't have a clue to politics,nor did i care. The extent of political knowledge at this point ,was.knowing who the president was, and the only thing I knew about him ,was his name.
The concert began promptly at 8pm.As I looked down,and across the 90,000 fans ,at the minute stage far below,I was in awe.I was in awe of the energy and raw power I felt from the close to 1/10th of a million people gathered in this one enclosed area below me.I allowed my mind to take it all in as the mellow sounds of Pink Floyd,flowed through me.I fantasized of the power I felt from this large group of people joined in one arena at one time,all at one level and for that period,one goal,to all enjoy the same thing ,the same way at the same time.It was the most power I have ever felt,the most unified I ever felt.I thought,this is surreal.I almost teared up..(almost)
As I listened to the band and thought of what we(all theses people) could do at that moment ,what we could accomplish,Who could stop us? At this moment in time ,we the people had the power/control.As I sat there feeling the unity and wondering if they all felt as i did at any point.A man named Dave(whom I've been chatting with off and on) whom was sitting in front of me, leaned back and said,this is amazing!You feel the electricity flowing through everybody? I did.
By now the mushrooms were taking effect, all the colors were brighter,my awareness increased 10 fold and the music,the energy, the feelings and power all become one.Nothing escaped me.I layed back and enjoyed.
All this utopia laden feelings were short lived, everything was about to take a turn.A turn in to a rude awakening,a hard smack in the face, which would change the way I thought, responded,interpreted,behaved and viewed the world.My life was about to change forever....Hence, my title.."epithany of 94"
As I looked over my little army of people, I watched a squirmish a few 100 feet away. About a half dozen people started fighting,2 men in yellow and a few more dressed casual(obviously a problem involving security)
Before I could even think how quickly this could spread,it was squashed and over with in mere minutes.Done.
I wouldn't even have noticed this, if not for my heightened awareness.
I took another look across the sea of people.What i saw this time was very different.I seen all the yellow security jackets, like a bright yellow warning signs.And not just strewn about, but strategically placed through out the stadium,as if someone lowered 100's of bright yellow tic tac toe boards down into the mix.Roughly every 1000 fans were completely encompassed by yellow.They could squash out any uprising instantly.
We did not have any control or any power.We had the illusion of power.They knew exactly what they were doing,thats what they do.I felt like a foolish sheep.They used the most primative form of control,"Divide and Conquer" I said sadly to myself,"United we stand-Divided we fall".It was the only way, they could never take those security personnel and encompass the stadium, we'd have broke through at any given point.
I have always tried to see the big picture in all aspects of life.This particular evening was no different, I realized what I see hear now, is no different than what the government does on a large scale.They give us the illusion of freedom, the illusion of security,the illusion of privacy.They divide us up in 50 states, divide those states into counties by capita,divide the counties into townships, townships into communities.Divide and conquer.
We are also divided by issues,race ,religion causes and so on.We are all focused on different issues and had different agendas.Could you imagine what we could accomplish if we all came together and focused on 1 issue,if we united for a single cause ?I believe the government has major control over this.It is perfect for them to keep us divided in every possible way.They funnel grant money here and there(we follow the money and the opportunity).They start and control focus groups.They don't enforce pollution laws to big companies, to keep the enviroment groups going.They keep absurd drug wars going,Medical marijuana laws they have going up and down and all over the place.Abortion/pro-life,whales,global warming.And they know what percentages of us are focused on what,who the lead players are.They know how to keep everybody busy.The less focus on them ,the more they can change things and slip wool(the same wool their shaving off our backs) over our eyes. They know who's watching them and how many and they know it's nowhere near enough.They use distraction to give us an illusion(the same way a magician makes us belief untruths and shams).
How can we ever really unite?The internet is keeping us all connected.I assure the government is working on that.I have a petition in the right hand column of this blog, the ssccca,the'yre trying to pass a bill to have all electronic devices made with a chip that will give them access to information.I believe they'll get it ,at all costs.they'll use terror as a reason like they did with the Patriot Act,What choice did we have? none, we didn't know about it until it was passed.."unread by congress".I have another petition on this site that requires them to read theses bills before passing them.Please sign theses two petitions.
They will get our computers, they will get our guns,then they'll get us without us even knowing what happened.They keep us down ,broke ,in debt and de-moralized.Remember when WE were the government?
I know one thing for sure... everyone has their own agenda and they don't care about yours.Alot of people don't join groups or sign petitions, they don't want to get placed on some list,they don't want THEM to get their names.They think they're playing it smart,they are scared,scared of the possible consequences,they think
sticking their head in the sand or living in denial and just trying to squeak their life by is the best thing to do.We all need to take a stand and fight for what you know in your heart is right,Remember do not fear your government, let's make them fear us.. that's the way it is suppose to be
We all believe the good in people and give the benefit of the doubt.We all say ,we all think,our government wouldn't do that... but they will and.yes, they do..you are a means to a cause, you are expendible.They say we're fighting in Iraq as a result of 9/11,where we lost over 3000 people,all kinds of people .So now we send basically 1 kind of person to go to iraq(our children)we lost more lives in iraq than 9/11 took .Is something wrong with that picture?Where's it stop? Does anyone actually believe we are taking the war to them(iraq) so they don't bring the war here? I'm no analyst but i'd bet if we leave ,the iraqi's won't come here and fight us.
Anyway, if it wasn't for that night in June, I would be a clueless sheep getting my wool shaved off to be pulled over my eyes.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
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(libertarian) quizzes were informative.....ANON
Your website, sir, is absolutely amazing. After my visit to the US NOW page on Frostwire I discovered your page and have since added it to my home page list. So now, I can constantly read your insight and enjoy the fact that there are other such as myself who are interested in taking back what we should have taken years ago.
I also wanted to let you know that if you add TARGET="_WHATEVER_" to your A tag, for the radio, that will automatically open it into a new window for your visitors. :) Of course, you can change _WHATEVER_ to something like RADIO or newwindow or whatever you like.
Again, THANK YOU. :) Please continue with your insight and don't stop your push to WAKE UP THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE AMONG US!
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