"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.
Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


We live in hard times both as Americans and as human beings. Our world is falling apart, largely thanks to the corruption and ambitions of a few individuals who have no other desire than to see us enslaved to them through some vague common action and manipulated through a few choice words. Their intents are clear; their objectives are becoming more easily understood. Luckily, history shows that when the weight of corruption becomes too much on a society that old world falls apart and something new and pure takes its place. We live in a time where we feel the world is coming to an end, this is not about the physical world, for it will remain, but what is coming to an end is our old understanding of the world, and society, we live in. If you wish to know where we, as a species, are going then I would use the word “transitioning” to describe what is occurring

Life is too Beautiful to Waste

So now we must ask ourselves,what do we do with this awareness and anger? Do I attack and lash out physically at the slave masters? Do I think there is no hope and no future for humanity and allow my anger to turn into depression and resentment? No, we will fight and we will not go silently. We will attract the highest amount of people to this message. We will build our own New World Order that was meant for the individual, by the individual and of the individual. We will live, we will be free, and we will prosper so as long as the individual is allowed to rise to the heights of its being and human dignity and have their rights be upheld. Anger is a powerful gift and it must be harnessed. Your humanity is what life is, it is what empowers you, if you give it up for the sake of something as trivial, like convenience or security, then you are no longer human by your own discretion. The road will be hard, it always is, there will be bumps in the road and there will be easy moments, but in the end the triumph will be worth it.

Anger is a Gift

It has been said that “Anger is a gift.”, anger is based either in love or fear. Anger based on fear is what destroys us; it is the anger that is founded in fear of loss, loss of worldly power. This anger leads to oppression and war, it is this anger that the New World Order of the Elite is based on, they are fearful and they do not even know it. They oppress because they are afraid of the power of the people, the common people, this is what the people stand for, and they stand for love. Anger based on love is righteous indignation, it is this anger that we need to be based in, based in love and not fear.

Those who love want freedom and life. Those who love people do not want to “take care of them”, but rather they want to allow them to grow as individuals and to aspire to life with as few restraints as possible. I love people enough to think they should be free despite their shortcomings, I know that if given the honest opportunity to grow they will succeed and they will live as fulfilling life as they so choose. I love all enough that I am willing to defend their liberty even while they are stuck in the distraction, illusion, and dependency that this society has offered them. That is the power of love and when one is guided by that love. When one is angry at the lies and ignorance that have been used in order to deceive people, then it is with love that we feel compassion towards those who are ignorant and through anger have the power to find the truth and destroy the ignorance that plagues us.

Defend Your Dignity

Human history is filled with people who desire nothing short of power over others. Throughout the earliest times people have sought knowledge. That is the human mission, to grow in understanding and knowledge, so that we might, as individuals become empowered. History is filled with two kinds of people: people who love and people who fear. Those who loved humanity enough that they were willing to spread knowledge to all despite the pitfalls. They loved even while, at the time, they were despised and even punished. The individual stood alone in this pursuit. Those who feared became powerful with their knowledge because, they used the knowledge to oppress and control humanity. They were fearful that if the truth was made known people might be free and live a life that was empowering. They feared this, and thus were feared by those who were ignorant.

This is the case that you must ask yourself, are you a human being or are you just some insignificant sub-human, if not animal, in the eyes of those who continue to manipulate you both in mind and body. The choice is yours, will you be a human being and uphold your own dignity and allow yourself to be free and live life or will you be like a pet, an animal, a sub-human and sacrifice your dignity for the sake of being “taken care of” and “protected” and “employed?” In a word, choose between life, love, knowledge, dignity or choose convenience, an easy life, and dependency. We all say we want the former, but for the most part society, the collective and the individuals therein, have manifested the latter through their actions.

If we want to change, we must change the way we think, both as individuals and as a collective. Once we do that we can use our power over the government to make them change for our benefit, so that our deep desires for a life of love, knowledge, and dignity will be made manifest by our actions. I do not expect perfection, as the word leads to many evils, if not understood properly. What I do expect is for individuals to make their world a better world and what I expect from humanity is nothing short of that as well. We are entering a new age indeed, not for a few, but for all individuals everywhere. Our answers will not come from government or big business appointed “experts”, but rather from the grassroots itself where true human dignity and knowledge is represented.

The Road Will Be Hard

I am not here to promise you “the land of milk and honey.” I am here to promise you a life of living in reality where individual integrity is upheld. The road will be hard, and it should be, as Thomas Paine said so long ago “The greater the conquest, the greater the triumph.” Embrace the forces resisting you, transmute them for your benefit and the benefit of a New World Order for The People. To defend human dignity is hard because the world seems to always hold us down. To fight for a true individual life, separate from and original from the collective, is a quest it has its rewards and its hard times. Do not bend or break during the hard times, embrace them.

Therefore, grow in love through mercy towards others using your discernment and you will achieve a better world. Live a life that is honest, do not lie to yourself and you will not lie to others. Do not try to rationalize or runaway, fear nothing, it’s a control mechanism that others may use to exploit you. Grow in knowledge to empower yourself and share that knowledge to empower others. Do not worry if they mock you or laugh at you, you know the truth. The idea is not to get everyone, it’s to get those who will listen to do the same


Anonymous said...

Very well said Tom. I agree, we are in a transformative stage in so many respects. Interesting times. I hope that education will prevail. At the moment it appears that ignorance and indifference are the norm. -- Marcus

Anonymous said...

You are one frightening individual. But I guess that is your point.

Anonymous said...

You have written some fantastically emotive rhetoric, and I'm quite sure you believe it whole heartedly but I find it hard to concur without some kind of solid opinion.

I think a lot of people, particularly American, will find it very easy to nod along with generalised "freedom is good" feelings but personally I would prefer something more specific, what freedom do you feel you're loosing, who do you feel is oppressing you, what do you feel should be done, how would you like things to change?

Specific goals, pursued well can change the world forever, generalised feelings of discontent never will.

Incidentally, a spell checker may prove a useful investment, a proof reader even more so.

Separation of church and state..(why do athiests care about religion)
